Happy Customer Testimonials

Podee® Baby Bottle – Happy and Satisfied Parents!

I LOOOOOOOOVE my Podee®! I just got it yesterday and it’s already my favorite baby accessory!! We’re out and about quite a lot, and trying to feed my 6-month-old in the backseat and driving just didn’t quite work. He’s much happier with his Podee® and so am I!  Thanks for coming up with a GREAT product!!

I was given a bottle by a friend and I just love it!! Since my 9-month-old son has been using it I have had nothing but compliments on the bottle. So many people have asked for information on the bottle that I decided to look you up on the web. Please send information on the bottles wholesale cost and how soon I could start making it easier for other moms. I live in the Los Angeles area, so commuting has made it easier for my son and I.

Hi…Just wanted to let you know that your product has saved my life. On 7/31/01 my wife gave birth to our twins, John & Deirdre. Walking in the park one day we met a woman who suggested that we try the Podee® Bottle. Well, you know, it worked. Saved us a lot of time and energy. We recommend your product to every parent that we meet. On 12/5/04 my wife gave birth to Mary, Kathleen and Siobhan. The first thing we did was get some new Podee® bottles. Just wanted to say thank you.

This is by far the best baby product I have purchased for my son! Due to acid reflux and ear infections he is not able to lay back and drink from a bottle comfortably and is unable to hold a bottle up by himself. The Podee bottle works perfectly for him to sit up and drink as well as on-the-go! I have several friends who are pregnant and definitely plan to purchase Podee bottles for all of them!